MediaWiki API result
This is the HTML representation of the JSON format. HTML is good for debugging, but is unsuitable for application use.
Specify the format parameter to change the output format. To see the non-HTML representation of the JSON format, set format=json.
See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.
"batchcomplete": "",
"query": {
"gadgets": [
"id": "modrollback",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"\u29fcgadgets-sister\u29fd\">(S)</abbr></sup> After rolling back a user's edit, automatically open their contributions page"
"id": "confirmationRollback-mobile",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"Enabled for everyone by default.\">(D)</abbr></sup> Require confirmation before performing rollback on mobile devices"
"id": "removeAccessKeys",
"desc": "Disable <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Keyboard shortcuts\">access keys</a>"
"id": "searchFocus",
"desc": "Focus the cursor in the search bar on loading the Main Page"
"id": "GoogleTrans",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"\u29fcgadgets-external\u29fd\">(E)</abbr></sup> <sup><abbr title=\"\u29fcgadgets-user\u29fd\">(U)</abbr></sup> <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=User:Endo999/GoogleTrans&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"User:Endo999/GoogleTrans (page does not exist)\">GoogleTrans</a>: open a translation popup for the selected text or the word under the cursor when pushing the shift button"
"id": "ImageAnnotator",
"desc": "<a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"commons:Help:Gadget-ImageAnnotator\">ImageAnnotator</a>: view image notes and comments on file description pages"
"id": "imagelinks",
"desc": "Redirect image links to Commons for files hosted there"
"id": "Navigation_popups",
"desc": "<a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Tools/Navigation popups\">Navigation popups</a>: article previews and editing functions pop up when hovering over links"
"id": "exlinks",
"desc": "Open external links in a new tab or window"
"id": "search-new-tab",
"desc": "Open search results in a new tab or window when holding down the Ctrl key"
"id": "PrintOptions",
"desc": "<a href=\"/w/index.php?title=User:TheDJ/Print_options&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"User:TheDJ/Print options (page does not exist)\">Print options</a>: control how pages are printed (for example, remove images or backgrounds)"
"id": "revisionjumper",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"\u29fcgadgets-sister\u29fd\">(S)</abbr></sup> <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=User:DerHexer/revisionjumper&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"User:DerHexer/revisionjumper (page does not exist)\">revisionjumper</a>: quickly navigate between page revisions"
"id": "Twinkle",
"desc": "<a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Twinkle\">Twinkle</a>: add menu buttons to automate common tasks, including: reporting vandalism, warning vandals, requesting deletion or protection, welcoming users, and tagging articles (<a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Twinkle/Preferences\">preferences</a>)"
"id": "morebits",
"desc": "A library with lots of useful features, used for <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Twinkle\">Wikipedia:Twinkle</a> but available for other gadgets or scripts. You should not be able to see this from Special:Preferences."
"id": "Twinkle-pagestyles",
"desc": "Components for the <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Twinkle\">Twinkle</a> gadget"
"id": "select2",
"desc": "jQuery replacement for select boxes; used by Twinkle but available as a gadget for others. Available under the MIT license, see <a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"external free\" href=\"\"></a>. You should not be able to see this from Special:Preferences."
"id": "HideCentralNotice",
"desc": "Suppress display of all <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"meta:CentralNotice\">CentralNotices</a> (To suppress only certain classes of notices use the <a href=\"/wiki/Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-centralnotice-banners\" title=\"Special:Preferences\">Banners option in preferences</a>)"
"id": "ReferenceTooltips",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"Enabled for everyone by default.\">(D)</abbr></sup> <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"mw:Reference Tooltips\">Reference Tooltips</a>: hover over inline citations to see reference information without moving away from the article text (does not work if \"Navigation popups\" is enabled above)"
"id": "formWizard",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"Enabled for everyone by default.\">(D)</abbr></sup> <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"meta:Meta:FormWizard\">FormWizard</a>: a <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"w:wizard (software)\">wizard</a> for creating and expanding project pages"
"id": "formWizard-core",
"desc": "Components for <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"meta:Meta:FormWizard\">FormWizard</a>"
"id": "responsiveContentBase",
"desc": "Improved appearance for mobile, narrow and wide screens. Used by Gadget-responsiveContent"
"id": "responsiveContentBaseTimeless",
"desc": "Responsive content for Base Timeless"
"id": "Prosesize",
"desc": "<a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Prosesize\">Prosesize</a>: add a toolbox link to show the size of and number of words in a page"
"id": "find-archived-section",
"desc": "<a href=\"/w/index.php?title=User:SD0001/find-archived-section&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"User:SD0001/find-archived-section (page does not exist)\">find-archived-section</a>: navigate easily to an archived section after following its broken link"
"id": "geonotice",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"Enabled for everyone by default.\">(D)</abbr></sup> <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Geonotice\">Geonotice</a>: display notices on your <a href=\"/wiki/Special:Watchlist\" title=\"Special:Watchlist\">watchlist</a> about events in your region"
"id": "geonotice-core",
"desc": "Additional components used with the Geonotice gadget"
"id": "watchlist-notice",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"Enabled for everyone by default.\">(D)</abbr></sup> Display <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Watchlist notices\">watchlist notices</a>"
"id": "watchlist-notice-core",
"desc": "Components for the watchlist notice gadget"
"id": "WatchlistBase",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"Enabled for everyone by default.\">(D)</abbr></sup> <small>(This loads the <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Gadget-WatchlistBase.css&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"MediaWiki:Gadget-WatchlistBase.css (page does not exist)\">base style</a> for the watchlist. Please do not disable this option.)</small>"
"id": "WatchlistGreenIndicators",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"Enabled for everyone by default.\">(D)</abbr></sup> Display green collapsible arrows and green bullets for changed pages in your watchlist, page history and recent changes (unavailable with the improved Watchlist user interface)"
"id": "WatchlistGreenIndicatorsMono",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"Enabled for everyone by default.\">(D)</abbr></sup> Display green collapsible arrows and green bullets for changed pages in your Watchlist, History and Recent changes (unavailable with the improved Watchlist user interface)"
"id": "WatchlistChangesBold",
"desc": "Display pages on your watchlist that have changed since your last visit in <b>bold</b> (see <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Customizing watchlists\">customizing watchlists</a> for more options)"
"id": "SubtleUpdatemarker",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"Enabled for everyone by default.\">(D)</abbr></sup> Subtle update marker: Tone down the \"Changed since last visit\" indicator on history pages. (By default it renders as a green-filled bar, enabling this gadget changes it to green text.)"
"id": "defaultsummaries",
"desc": "Add two new dropdown boxes below the edit summary box with some useful default summaries"
"id": "citations",
"desc": "<a href=\"/w/index.php?title=WP:Citation_expander&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"WP:Citation expander (page does not exist)\">Citation expander</a>: automatically expand and format citations using <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=WP:UCB&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"WP:UCB (page does not exist)\">Citation bot</a>"
"id": "DotsSyntaxHighlighter",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"\u29fcgadgets-sister\u29fd\">(S)</abbr></sup> <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"mw:User:Remember the dot/Syntax highlighter\">Syntax highlighter</a>: Alternative to the default coloring of wiki syntax in the edit box (works best in <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=Mozilla_Firefox&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"Mozilla Firefox (page does not exist)\">Firefox</a> and works almost all of the time in <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=Google_Chrome&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"Google Chrome (page does not exist)\">Chrome</a> and <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=Opera_(web_browser)&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"Opera (web browser) (page does not exist)\">Opera</a>)"
"id": "HotCat",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"\u29fcgadgets-sister\u29fd\">(S)</abbr></sup> <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=WP:HOTCAT&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"WP:HOTCAT (page does not exist)\">HotCat</a>: easily add, remove, and change categories on a page, with name suggestions (<a href=\"/wiki/File:HotCat.png\" title=\"File:HotCat.png\">example</a>)"
"id": "wikEdDiff",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"\u29fcgadgets-user\u29fd\">(U)</abbr></sup> <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=User:Cacycle/wikEdDiff&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"User:Cacycle/wikEdDiff (page does not exist)\">wikEdDiff</a>: improved diff view between article versions (not needed if <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=User:Cacycle/wikEd&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"User:Cacycle/wikEd (page does not exist)\">wikEd</a> is used)"
"id": "ProveIt",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"\u29fcgadgets-sister\u29fd\">(S)</abbr></sup> <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:ProveIt\">ProveIt</a> is a tool that adds a graphical user interface to find, edit, add and cite references (<span class=\"plainlinks\"><a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"external text\" href=\"\">demo</a></span>)"
"id": "ProveIt-classic",
"desc": "<a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:ProveIt\">ProveIt</a> (classic version) is a tool that adds a graphical user interface to find, edit, add and cite references (<span class=\"plainlinks\"><a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"external text\" href=\"\">demo</a></span>). This is the classic, original version of the gadget."
"id": "Shortdesc-helper",
"desc": "<a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Shortdesc helper\">Shortdesc helper</a>: easily add and edit page <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Short description\">short descriptions</a>"
"id": "Shortdesc-helper-pagestyles-vector",
"desc": "Components for the short description helper gadget"
"id": "libSettings",
"desc": "Component for the library settings gadget"
"id": "wikEd",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"\u29fcgadgets-user\u29fd\">(U)</abbr></sup> : alternative full-featured integrated text editor for <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=Mozilla_Firefox&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"Mozilla Firefox (page does not exist)\">Firefox</a>, <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=Safari_(web_browser)&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"Safari (web browser) (page does not exist)\">Safari</a>, and <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=Google_Chrome&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"Google Chrome (page does not exist)\">Google Chrome</a> ()"
"id": "afchelper",
"desc": "<a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:WikiProject Articles for creation/Helper script\">Yet Another AFC Helper Script</a>: easily review <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=WP:AFC&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"WP:AFC (page does not exist)\">Articles for creation</a> submissions, <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=WP:FFU&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"WP:FFU (page does not exist)\">Files for Upload</a>, <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=WP:AFC/R&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"WP:AFC/R (page does not exist)\">redirect and category</a> requests"
"id": "charinsert",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"Enabled for everyone by default.\">(D)</abbr></sup> <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"mw:extension:CharInsert\">CharInsert</a>: add a toolbar under the edit window for quickly inserting wiki markup and special characters (<a href=\"/w/index.php?title=WP:VPT&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"WP:VPT (page does not exist)\">troubles?</a>)"
"id": "charinsert-core",
"desc": "Components for the CharInsert gadget"
"id": "legacyToolbar",
"desc": "<a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Legacy toolbar\">Enable the legacy (2006) editing toolbar</a>. This will be overridden by the \"Enable the editing toolbar\" option in the Editing tab."
"id": "extra-toolbar-buttons",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"Enabled for everyone by default.\">(D)</abbr></sup> Add extra buttons to the legacy (2006) editing toolbar"
"id": "extra-toolbar-buttons-core",
"desc": "Adds extra buttons to the old (non-enhanced) editing toolbar"
"id": "refToolbar",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"Enabled for everyone by default.\">(D)</abbr></sup> <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:RefToolbar\">refToolbar</a>: add a \"cite\" button to the editing toolbar for quick addition of commonly used citation templates"
"id": "refToolbarBase",
"desc": "Components for the refToolbar gadget"
"id": "EditNoticesOnMobile",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"Enabled for everyone by default.\">(D)</abbr></sup> EditNoticesOnMobile - enables <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Editnotice\">editnotices</a> for mobile editors. (<a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:EditNoticesOnMobile\">documentation)</a>"
"id": "edittop",
"desc": "Add an [edit] link for the <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Lead section\">lead section</a> of a page"
"id": "UTCLiveClock",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"\u29fcgadgets-sister\u29fd\">(S)</abbr></sup> Add a clock to the personal toolbar that displays the current time in <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=UTC&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"UTC (page does not exist)\">UTC</a> and provides a link to <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Purge\">purge</a> the current page (<a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"mw:MediaWiki talk:Gadget-UTCLiveClock.js\">documentation</a>)"
"id": "UTCLiveClock-pagestyles",
"desc": "Components for the UTCLiveClock gadget"
"id": "purgetab",
"desc": "Add a \"Purge\" option to the top of the page, which <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Purge\">purges</a> the page's cache"
"id": "ExternalSearch",
"desc": "Add a selector to the Wikipedia <a href=\"/wiki/Special:Search\" title=\"Special:Search\">search</a> page allowing the use of external search engines"
"id": "CollapsibleNav",
"desc": "Allow navigation menus to be collapsed"
"id": "MenuTabsToggle",
"desc": "Allow toggling between tabs and dropdown menus (<a href=\"/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Edokter/MenuTabsToggle.js&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"User talk:Edokter/MenuTabsToggle.js (page does not exist)\">bug reports</a>)"
"id": "dropdown-menus",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"\u29fcgadgets-sister\u29fd\">(S)</abbr></sup> <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"meta:MoreMenu\">MoreMenu</a>: add Page and User dropdown menus to the toolbar with links to common tasks, analytic tools and logs"
"id": "dropdown-menus-pagestyles",
"desc": "Components for <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"m:MoreMenu\">MoreMenu</a> gadget"
"id": "CategoryAboveAll",
"desc": "Place the category box above all other content"
"id": "addsection-plus",
"desc": "Replace the \"new section\" tab text with \"+\""
"id": "CommentsInLocalTime",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"\u29fcgadgets-user\u29fd\">(U)</abbr></sup> Change <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=Coordinated_Universal_Time&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"Coordinated Universal Time (page does not exist)\">UTC</a>-based times and dates, such as those used in signatures, to be relative to local time (<a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Comments in Local Time\">documentation</a>)"
"id": "OldDiff",
"desc": "Display diffs with the old yellow-and-green colors and design"
"id": "NoAnimations",
"desc": "Disable animations in the interface"
"id": "disablesuggestions",
"desc": "Disable the suggestions dropdown-lists of the search fields"
"id": "NoSmallFonts",
"desc": "Disable smaller font sizes of elements such as infoboxes, navboxes and reference lists"
"id": "topalert",
"desc": "Display a floating alert for new talk page messages"
"id": "metadata",
"desc": "Display an <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=Category:Wikipedia_1.0_assessments&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"Category:Wikipedia 1.0 assessments (page does not exist)\">assessment</a> of an article's quality in its page header (<a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Metadata gadget\">documentation</a>)"
"id": "JustifyParagraphs",
"desc": "Justify paragraphs"
"id": "righteditlinks",
"desc": "Move section [edit] links to the right side of the screen"
"id": "PrettyLog",
"desc": "<a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"commons:Help:Gadget-PrettyLog\">PrettyLog</a>: format <a href=\"/wiki/Special:Log\" title=\"Special:Log\">log</a> pages like <a href=\"/wiki/Special:Search\" title=\"Special:Search\">search</a> results, and add small thumbnails for file uploads"
"id": "switcher",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"Enabled for everyone by default.\">(D)</abbr></sup> Show radio buttons to switch between views of certain content, such as some maps"
"id": "SidebarTranslate",
"desc": "<a href=\"/w/index.php?title=User:Equazcion/SidebarTranslate&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"User:Equazcion/SidebarTranslate (page does not exist)\">SidebarTranslate</a>: display sidebar language links in English"
"id": "Blackskin",
"desc": "Use a black background with green text"
"id": "dark-mode-toggle",
"desc": "<a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Dark mode (gadget)\">Dark mode</a> toggle: Enable a toggle for using a light text on dark background color scheme"
"id": "dark-mode-toggle-pagestyles",
"desc": "\u29fcgadget-dark-mode-toggle-pagestyles\u29fd"
"id": "VectorClassic",
"desc": "Vector classic typography (use only sans-serif in Vector skin)"
"id": "widensearch",
"desc": "Widen the search box in the Vector skin"
"id": "DisambiguationLinks",
"desc": "Display links to <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=Help:Disambiguation&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"Help:Disambiguation (page does not exist)\">disambiguation pages</a> in orange"
"id": "markblocked",
"desc": "Strike out usernames that have been blocked"
"id": "responsiveContent",
"desc": "Improved appearance for mobile, narrow and wide screens (<a href=\"/w/index.php?title=User:TheDJ/responsiveContent&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"User:TheDJ/responsiveContent (page does not exist)\">documentation</a>)"
"id": "responsiveContentTimeless",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"Enabled for everyone by default.\">(D)</abbr></sup> Improved appearance for mobile and narrow screens"
"id": "HideInterwikiSearchResults",
"desc": "Do not show search results for sister projects on the search results page"
"id": "XTools-ArticleInfo",
"desc": "<a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"mw:XTools\">XTools</a>: dynamically show statistics about a page's history under the page heading"
"id": "RegexMenuFramework",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"\u29fcgadgets-sister\u29fd\">(S)</abbr></sup> Add a sidebar menu of user-defined regex tools, with a dynamic form for instant one-use regex (<a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"m:User:Pathoschild/Scripts/Regex menu framework\">documentation</a>)"
"id": "ShowMessageNames",
"desc": "Add a toolbox link to reload the current page with the <a href=\"/wiki/Special:AllMessages\" title=\"Special:AllMessages\">system message names</a> exposed"
"id": "DebugMode",
"desc": "Add a toolbox link to reload the current page with Resource Loader in <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"mw:ResourceLoader/Features\">debug mode</a>"
"id": "contribsrange",
"desc": "Allow /16, /24 and /27 – /32 <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=CIDR&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"CIDR (page does not exist)\">CIDR</a> ranges on <a href=\"/wiki/Special:Contributions\" title=\"Special:Contributions\">Special:Contributions</a> forms, as well as wildcard prefix searches (e.g., \"Splark*\") (<a href=\"/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki_talk:Gadget-contribsrange.js&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"MediaWiki talk:Gadget-contribsrange.js (page does not exist)\">report issues</a>)"
"id": "BugStatusUpdate",
"desc": "Enable tracking bugs on Phabricator using the <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=Template:Tl&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"Template:Tl (page does not exist)\">Template:Tl</a> template"
"id": "RTRC",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"\u29fcgadgets-sister\u29fd\">(S)</abbr></sup> <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"m:User:Krinkle/RTRC-docs\">Real-Time Recent Changes</a>: patrol recent changes in real-time (unpatrolled filter only works for new pages)"
"id": "script-installer",
"desc": "Install scripts without having to manually edit JavaScript files (<a href=\"/w/index.php?title=User:Enterprisey/script-installer&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"User:Enterprisey/script-installer (page does not exist)\">documentation</a>)"
"id": "XFDcloser",
"desc": "<a href=\"/w/index.php?title=WP:XFDC&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"WP:XFDC (page does not exist)\">XFDcloser</a>: close deletion discussions at XfD venues, including actions to implement closes"
"id": "XFDcloser-core",
"desc": "Components for the XFDcloser gadget"
"id": "XFDcloser-core-beta",
"desc": "Beta testing components for XFDcloser gadget"
"id": "libExtraUtil",
"desc": "Utility gadget. You should not be able to see this from Special:Preferences."
"id": "mobile-sidebar",
"desc": "Mobile sidebar preview: show page in mobile view while browsing the desktop site (<a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Vector\">Vector</a> skin only)"
"id": "addMe",
"desc": "<sup><abbr title=\"\u29fcgadgets-sister\u29fd\">(S)</abbr></sup> <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"m:Meta:AddMe\">AddMe</a>: endorse or join a project using <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=Template:Tl&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"Template:Tl (page does not exist)\">Template:Tl</a>"
"id": "NewImageThumb",
"desc": "New image thumb design, and other minor styling tweaks (TOC, categories). <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki_talk:Gadget-NewImageThumb&action=edit&redlink=1\" class=\"new\" title=\"MediaWiki talk:Gadget-NewImageThumb (page does not exist)\">Discuss</a>."
"id": "StickyTableHeaders",
"desc": "Make headers of tables display as long as the table is in view, i.e. \"sticky\" (requires Chrome v91+, Firefox v59+, or Safari)"
"id": "MobileMaps",
"desc": "Add map popups to coordinates in the mobile website"
"id": "ShowJavascriptErrors",
"desc": "Show an alert when you encounter JavaScript errors"
"id": "PageDescriptions",
"desc": "Show <a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"wikipedia:Short description\">page description</a> beneath the page title (not compatible with Page assessments gadget)"
"id": "autonum",
"desc": "Auto-number headings: Adds hierarchical outline-style numbering to headers in articles (<a href=\"\" class=\"extiw\" title=\"mw:Snippets/Auto-number headings\">documentation</a>)"
"id": "libLua",
"desc": "Utility gadget. You should not be able to see this from Special:Preferences."
"id": "libSensitiveIPs",
"desc": "Utility gadget. You should not be able to see this from Special:Preferences."
"id": "dark-mode",
"desc": "Core styling for dark mode gadget (Use the <a href=\"#mw-input-wpgadget-dark-mode-toggle\">dark mode toggle gadget above</a> to control this feature)"