MediaWiki API help

This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.

Documentation and examples:


(main | wbsetaliases)
  • This module requires read rights.
  • This module requires write rights.
  • This module only accepts POST requests.
  • Source: WikibaseClient
  • License: GPL-2.0-or-later

Sets the aliases for a Wikibase entity.

Specific parameters:
Other general parameters are available.

The identifier for the entity, including the prefix. Use either id or site and title together.


If set, a new entity will be created. Set this to the type of the entity you want to create.

One of the following values: item, property

An identifier for the site on which the page resides. Use together with title to make a complete sitelink.

One of the following values:

Title of the page to associate. Use together with site to make a complete sitelink.


The numeric identifier for the revision to base the modification on. This is used for detecting conflicts during save.

Type: integer

Summary for the edit. Will be prepended by an automatically generated comment. The length limit of the autocomment together with the summary is 260 characters. Be aware that everything above that limit will be cut off.


Change tags to apply to the revision.

Values (separate with | or alternative):

A "csrf" token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens

This parameter is required.

Mark this edit as bot. This URL flag will only be respected if the user belongs to the group "Bots".

Type: boolean (details)

Page title. If saving the edit created a temporary account, the API may respond with an URL that the client should visit to complete logging in. If this parameter is provided, the URL will redirect to the given page, instead of the page that was edited.

Type: page title
Accepts non-existent pages.

URL query parameters (with leading ?). If saving the edit created a temporary account, the API may respond with an URL that the client should visit to complete logging in. If this parameter is provided, the URL will redirect to a page with the given query parameters.

Default: (empty)

URL fragment (with leading #). If saving the edit created a temporary account, the API may respond with an URL that the client should visit to complete logging in. If this parameter is provided, the URL will redirect to a page with the given fragment.

Default: (empty)

List of aliases to add (can be combined with remove)

Separate values with | or alternative.
Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for clients that are allowed higher limits).

List of aliases to remove (can be combined with add)

Separate values with | or alternative.
Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for clients that are allowed higher limits).

A list of aliases that will replace the current list (cannot be combined with neither add nor remove)

Separate values with | or alternative.
Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for clients that are allowed higher limits).

The language for which to set the aliases

This parameter is required.
One of the following values: aa, aae, ab, abs, ace, acf, acm, ady, ady-cyrl, aeb, aeb-arab, aeb-latn, af, agq, aln, als, alt, am, ami, an, ang, ann, anp, apc, ar, arc, arn, arq, ary, arz, as, ase, ast, atj, av, avk, awa, ay, az, azb, ba, bag, ban, ban-bali, bar, bas, bat-smg, bax, bbc, bbc-latn, bbj, bcc, bci, bcl, bdr, be, be-tarask, be-x-old, bew, bfd, bfw, bg, bgc, bgn, bh, bho, bi, bjn, bkc, bkh, bkm, blk, bm, bn, bo, bpy, bqi, bqz, br, brh, bs, btm, bto, bug, bxr, byv, ca, cak, cal, cbk-zam, ccp, cdo, cdo-hant, cdo-latn, ce, ceb, ch, chn, cho, chr, chy, ckb, cnh, co, cop, cps, cpx, cpx-hans, cpx-hant, cpx-latn, cr, crh, crh-cyrl, crh-latn, crh-ro, cs, csb, cu, cv, cy, da, dag, de, de-at, de-ch, de-formal, dga, din, diq, dsb, dso, dtp, dty, dua, dv, dz, ee, efi, egl, el, eml, en, en-ca, en-gb, en-us, eo, es, es-419, es-formal, et, eto, etu, eu, ewo, ext, fa, fat, ff, fi, fit, fiu-vro, fj, fkv, fmp, fo, fon, fr, frc, frp, frr, fur, fvr, fy, ga, gaa, gag, gan, gan-hans, gan-hant, gcf, gcr, gd, gju-arab, gju-deva, gl, gld, glk, gn, gom, gom-deva, gom-latn, gor, got, gpe, grc, gsw, gu, guc, gur, guw, gv, gya, ha, hak, hak-hans, hak-hant, hak-latn, haw, he, hi, hif, hif-latn, hil, hke, hno, ho, hoc, hr, hrx, hsb, hsn, ht, hu, hu-formal, hy, hyw, hz, ia, iba, ibb, id, ie, ig, igl, ii, ik, ike-cans, ike-latn, ilo, inh, io, is, isu, isv-cyrl, isv-latn, it, iu, ja, jam, jbo, jut, jv, ka, kaa, kab, kai, kbd, kbd-cyrl, kbp, kcg, kea, ker, kg, kge, kgg, khw, ki, kiu, kj, kjh, kjp, kk, kk-arab, kk-cn, kk-cyrl, kk-kz, kk-latn, kk-tr, kl, km, kn, knc, ko, ko-kp, koi, kr, krc, kri, krj, krl, ks, ks-arab, ks-deva, ksf, ksh, ksw, ku, ku-arab, ku-latn, kum, kus, kv, kw, ky, la, lad, lb, lbe, lem, lez, lfn, lg, li, lij, liv, ljp, lki, lld, lmo, ln, lns, lo, loz, lrc, lt, ltg, lua, lus, luz, lv, lzh, lzz, mad, mag, mai, map-bms, mcn, mcp, mdf, mg, mh, mhr, mi, min, mk, ml, mn, mnc, mnc-latn, mnc-mong, mni, mnw, mo, mos, mr, mrh, mrj, ms, ms-arab, mt, mua, mui, mus, mwl, my, myv, mzn, na, nah, nan, nan-hani, nan-hant, nan-latn-pehoeji, nan-latn-tailo, nap, nb, nds, nds-nl, ne, new, ng, nge, nia, nit, niu, nl, nl-informal, nla, nmg, nmz, nn, nnh, nnz, no, nod, nog, nov, nqo, nr, nrm, nso, nup, nv, ny, nyn, nyo, nys, oc, ojb, olo, om, or, os, osa-latn, ota, pa, pag, pam, pap, pap-aw, pcd, pcm, pdc, pdt, pfl, pi, pih, pl, pms, pnb, pnt, prg, ps, pt, pt-br, pwn, qu, quc, qug, rgn, rif, rki, rm, rmc, rmf, rmy, rn, ro, roa-rup, roa-tara, rsk, ru, rue, rup, ruq, ruq-cyrl, ruq-latn, rut, rw, rwr, ryu, sa, sah, sat, sc, scn, sco, sd, sdc, sdh, se, se-fi, se-no, se-se, sei, ses, sg, sgs, sh, sh-cyrl, sh-latn, shi, shi-latn, shi-tfng, shn, shy, shy-latn, si, simple, sjd, sje, sju, sk, skr, skr-arab, sl, sli, sm, sma, smj, smn, sms, sn, so, sq, sr, sr-ec, sr-el, srn, sro, srq, ss, st, stq, sty, su, sv, sw, syl, szl, szy, ta, tay, tcy, tdd, te, tet, tg, tg-cyrl, tg-latn, th, thq, ti, tig, tk, tl, tly, tly-cyrl, tn, to, tok, tpi, tpv, tr, tru, trv, ts, tt, tt-cyrl, tt-latn, ttj, tum, tvu, tw, ty, tyv, tzm, udm, ug, ug-arab, ug-latn, uk, ur, uz, uz-cyrl, uz-latn, ve, vec, vep, vi, vls, vmf, vmw, vo, vot, vro, vut, wa, wal, war, wes, wls, wlx, wo, wuu, wuu-hans, wuu-hant, wya, xal, xh, xmf, xsy, yas, yat, yav, ybb, yi, yo, yrl, yue, yue-hans, yue-hant, za, zea, zgh, zgh-latn, zh, zh-classical, zh-cn, zh-hans, zh-hant, zh-hk, zh-min-nan, zh-mo, zh-my, zh-sg, zh-tw, zh-yue, zu
Set the English aliases for the entity with ID Q999999998 to Foo and Bar
api.php?action=wbsetaliases&language=en&id=Q999999998&set=Foo|Bar [open in sandbox]
Add Foo and Bar to the list of English aliases for the entity with ID Q999999998
api.php?action=wbsetaliases&language=en&id=Q999999998&add=Foo|Bar [open in sandbox]
Remove Foo and Bar from the list of English aliases for the entity with ID Q999999998
api.php?action=wbsetaliases&language=en&id=Q999999998&remove=Foo|Bar [open in sandbox]
Remove Foo from the list of English aliases for the entity with ID Q999999998 while adding Bar to it
api.php?action=wbsetaliases&language=en&id=Q999999998&remove=Foo&add=Bar [open in sandbox]